Artikler og bokkapitler

Oversikt over artikler og bokkapitler.

Utdrag av artikler og bokkapitler:
  1. Ekelund, B.Z & Moe, T. 2014. Teamledelse i kommunalt barnevern. I Kvello, Ø. & Moe, T.: Barnevernsledelse. Oslo, Gyldendal,.
  2. Ekelund, B. Z. & Pluta, P. 2013. Diversity Icebreaker - Training of Flexible Diversity Management. In S. A. Witkowski, & M. Stor (Eds.), Sukces w zarządzaniu kadrami. Elastyczność w zarządzaniu kapitałem ludzkim. Tom 2. Problemy zarządczopsychologiczne (Vol. 2, pp. 273-280). Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu.
  3. Thomas. D.C, Ekelund, B.Z. et al. 2012. Development of the Cultural Intelligence Assessment, Advances of Global Leadership Vol.7.
  4. Samuelsen, R, Løvland, J., Søfting, E., & Ekelund, B.Z. 2010. A research and development program on international tourism in North-Norway. Three publications in Norwegian: Experience based value creation, an explorative tool development and organisational learning, NF Report 1001/2010.; A leadership manual for tourist industry organizational learning; Ekelund, B.Z. & Mokastet Pemzec, A.B. 2010: How to meet international tourists, a guide book for first line service in tourist industry.
  5. Ekelund, B.Z. 2010.Team assessment and feedback - a way of developing shared perceptions of team processes. EFPSA journal / summer school documentation. 6. Ekelund, B.Z. 2010. Diversity Icebreaker in conflict management. EFPSA journal / summer school documentation.
  6. Thomas, D.C., Fitzsimmons, S.R., Ravlin, E.C., Au, K., Ekelund, B.Z. & Barzantny, C. 2010. Psychological Contracts across Cultures. Perceptions and Responses to Violations. Organization Studies, No 31, pp. 1437 – 58.
  7. Eckert, R., Ekelund, B.Z., Gentry, W.A & Dawson, J. 2010. Rating Discrepancy in 360- Degree Feedback “I don’t see me like you see me, but is that a problem?” European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
  8. Ekelund, B. Z. 2009. Cultural Perspectives on Team Consultation in Scandinavia: Experiences and Reflections. Scandinavian journal of Organisational Psychology, No 2, pp 31-40.
  9. Ekelund, B.Z. 2009. Håndtering av forskjellighet i team. I Fyhn. H. Kreativ tverrfaglighet, teori og praksis. Oslo: Tapir forlag, pp 182 – 205.
  10. Ekelund, B.Z. 2009. Kartlegging av teamkvaliteter i prosjektledelsesteam med TeamReflector. Prosjektledelse, No 1, pp 8-9.
  11. Thomas, D.C, Ekelund, B.Z et al. 2008. Cultural Intelligence: Domain and Assessment. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 123-143.
  12. Gentry, W.A., Hannum, K.M, de Jong, A. & Ekelund, B.Z. September 2007. A Study of the Discrepancy Between Self- and Observer-Ratings on Managerial Derailment Characteristics in Selected European Countries.The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
  13. Ekelund, B.Z 2006: Hvordan få til positiv kjemi mellom folk i prosjektteam. Prosjektledelse, No 2.
  14. Esnault, M., & Ekelund, B. Z. 2006. Teambygging i prosjekt oppstart. Oslo: Gyldendal, (A co-written chapter on interaction in project teams.)
  15. Smith, P.B. & Peterson, M. et al incl. Bjørn Z. Ekelund 2005. Demographic Effects on the Use of Vertical Sources of Guidance by Managers in Widely Differing Cultural Contexts. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 5-26.
  16. Ekelund, B.Z. & Aske, A. 2005. Executive commentary: ”The construction of Social Identities in Mergers and Acquisitions. In Stahl, G.K. & Mendenhall, M.E. (Ed): Mergers and Acquisitions. Managing culture and human resources. California: Stanford University Press.
  17. Maznevski. M.L & Ekelund, B.Z. 2004. Cultural dimensions in action: Democratic elections in post-war Bosnia. Organisational Theory and Practice; Scandinavian Journal of Organisational Psychology, No 1.
  18. Mathisen, G.E. & Ekelund, B.Z. December 2004. Team Climate Inventory (TCI) – a measure of innovation in groups and teams. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association.
  19. Canney-Davison, S. & Ekelund, B.Z. 2004. Team processes in global teams. In: Lane, H., Mendenhall, M., Maznevski, M. L., & McNett, J. (eds.) Handbook of Global Management. A Guide to Managing Complexity. pp 227-249, Blackwell Publishing.
  20. Smith, P.B., Andersen, J.A., Ekelund, B.Z., Graversen, G., & Ropo, A. 2003. In Search of Nordic Management Styles. Scandinavian Journal of Management. Vol. 19, pp 491-507.
  21. Hua, W., Whitener, E.M., Maznevski, M.L., Sæbø, S.R. & Ekelund, B.Z. 2003. Testing the Cultural Boundaries of a Model of Trust: Subordinate-Manager Relationships in China, Norway and the United States. University of California, Los Angeles. UCLA international eScholarship Repository:
  22. Ekelund, B.Z. 2003. Ouverture Internationale: Contraintes et opportunites: Une experience de developement de programme international de formation. University in Lyon.
  23. Smith,P., Peterson, M.P.,Schwartz, S.H., & Ekelund, B.Z. et al. 2002. Cultural values, sources of guidance and their relevance to managerial behavior: a 47-nations study. Journal of Cross-cultural psychology.
  24. DiStefano, J. & Ekelund, B.Z. 2002. Management Across Cultures. A model for Bridging the Differences. In: M. Fladmark, Donhead (eds.) Heritage and Identity, pp 289-394.
  25. Ekelund, B.Z., Jørstad, K. & Maznevski, M. September 2000. Business Development of the Team Climate Inventory. European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, pp 9-18.
  26. Nordvik, H., Berg, A. & Ekelund, B.Z. 2000, 16PF5 development in Norway, Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association, 31 (5), pp 437-447.
  27. Ekelund, B.Z. (as one of the 11 members of Task Force contributing to this article) 1999. On professional education of work and organisational psychology in Europe. European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, pp 455-486.
  28. Ekelund. B.Z., Duckert, F., Bjøru, E. & Sortland, N 1996. Qualification for leadership in the professional study of psychology at universities. (in Norwegian) Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association, Vol. 33, No 5, pp 416-423.
  29. Ekelund, B. Z. 1997. Interaction between academy and practice. EAWOP Newsletter; ENOP conference in Paris.
  30. Ekelund. B.Z., Døscher, H. & Taylor, R. 1996: TCI-presentation. Norwegian Journal of Organisational Psychology. (Norwegian).
  31. Ekelund, B.Z. 1993. Presentation of journals in organisational psychology and management (Norwegian) Journal of Organisational Psychology.

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